So, about a month ago my charging port stopped working. There's no indication that anything is plugged in at all. The contacts on the inside look intact and clean. I have never even tested the device under water so I'm sure there's no water damage. I have been using a qi charger since.
So my first question is.. Since it's out of warranty and I do have some cosmetic damage to the phone it would take the remainder of the edge payment to replace. What would be any other options?
2nd. I'm on 5.0.2.. I'm not really interested in flashing the new lollipop until there's a rooted/debloated ROM. When that comes out should I be able to just flash in recovery? What are my limitations of not having the USB port?
So my first question is.. Since it's out of warranty and I do have some cosmetic damage to the phone it would take the remainder of the edge payment to replace. What would be any other options?
2nd. I'm on 5.0.2.. I'm not really interested in flashing the new lollipop until there's a rooted/debloated ROM. When that comes out should I be able to just flash in recovery? What are my limitations of not having the USB port?
from xda-developers
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